Book Review: Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover

Hey bookworms! Welcome to chhaviandbooks. Today’s review is about Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover. “Hearts don’t have bones. They can’t really break.” Rating: ✰✰✰✰✰/5 ~ SYNOPSIS ~ Life and a dismal last name are the only two things Beyah Grim’s parents ever gave her. After carving her path all on her own, Beyah is wellContinueContinue reading “Book Review: Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover”

Current Reads + August TBR!

Hello, beautiful bookworms. Welcome back to chhaviandbooks, reviews and all! I’ve been away for a super long time, doing many (exciting) things, but I’m back to being a book reviewer now and it has honestly never felt better. If you want to know what amazing books I’m currently reading (and plan to read during this month), read on!

I PUBLISHED A YOUNG ADULT NOVEL! Keep You Forever launch and details

Hey bookworms! It has been a crazy past few months but I’m finally ready to sit down and announce–ohmigosh wait for it–MY DEBUT YA NOVEL! Yes, yes, yes, it is true. KEEP YOU FOREVER is out to the world, and I am officially a real author, that too in my favourite genre. Are we squealingContinueContinue reading “I PUBLISHED A YOUNG ADULT NOVEL! Keep You Forever launch and details”

Where I’ve been all this time…I’m back!

Hey bookworms! As you can see, I haven’t really been here recently. Mostly because I’ve been away at Wattpad, writing amazing Young Adult stories that are making people swoon (not to brag, but it’s true!). I currently have one finished novel titled Keep You Forever and one on-going novel called Shall Be King available toContinueContinue reading “Where I’ve been all this time…I’m back!”

MAY TBR: Stacking the shelves!

Hey loves! I have, noticeably, been MIA for very long. I took an unexpected hiatus for my exams, and then fell severely ill. Hence, my screen time was reduced to minimal, nothing except working on my book.  But now I’m back, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve been wanting to read with you!ContinueContinue reading “MAY TBR: Stacking the shelves!”

Snow From Ashes: Giving Away Review Copies!!

Hey Bookworms! As you all must know, I recently published my debut poetry and prose collection Snow From Ashes. It is available worldwide on Amazon! To all my lovely book-reviewer friends here on WordPress, I would be extremely happy to give you a review copy in exchange for an honest review on Goodreads, Amazon andContinueContinue reading “Snow From Ashes: Giving Away Review Copies!!”

Yes! I’ve published a book!!!!!

Hey bookworms! It’s mee, back after the longest time. I was away, working on a masterpiece for all of you. I can’t wait to introduce my heart and soul, SNOW FROM ASHES, my poetry and prose collection. It contains poems and quotes written by yours truly, and contains beautiful words on love, friendship, loss, healingContinueContinue reading “Yes! I’ve published a book!!!!!”

Book Review: |City of Bones by Cassandra Clare|

Hey bookworms! Happy Wednesday to all of you lovely people. Today I’ve finally gotten down to write a review for the book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading, so let’s begin: SYNOPSIS (My Version) Clary Fray is living the ‘normal’ theme life with her single mother Jocelyn and her best friend Simon. She’s even ready toContinueContinue reading “Book Review: |City of Bones by Cassandra Clare|”

Currently Reading+ Recent Finishes!

Hey bookworms! Aah, it feels so good to be back after so long. I know I’ve been AWOL since July, but after a rather refreshing break, I’m officially back on the blog! Thank you so much for not leaving while I was absent. I’m so grateful to have all of you in my life. InContinueContinue reading “Currently Reading+ Recent Finishes!”

Blog Tour: Daniel Daniels and the world’s worst zoo by Robbie Yates #blogtourhost

Hey Bookworms! Happy Tuesday to all you lovely people. I’m extremely happy to be a part of the blog tour for the hilarious book Daniel Daniels and the world’s worst zoo by Robbie Yates. Here’s my thoughts: Synopsis ( Blurb) Daniel Daniels spends most of his time doing one of two things: 1. Avoiding theContinueContinue reading “Blog Tour: Daniel Daniels and the world’s worst zoo by Robbie Yates #blogtourhost”